Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Marlee & Tyler Sittin' In A Tree...

My Aunt Diana, Myself and my Mommy decided to throw my cousin Tyler's fiance Marlee a Bridal Shower. Whew that was a mouth full. We had so much fun planning this, I had so many ideas I wanted to implement. Not all of them got used, but I'm so happy with the outcome! It was a vintage feel and the theme was "Once Upon A Time". Everyone we invited had a different time of day they were assigned and they were asked to bring a gift that would go along with that time. It was such a fun shower, we ate good food, played some games, and had some good gossip not to be confused with bad gossip :), and we all got to know Marlee a little better! I love that girl, stinkin cute. Unfortunately we didn't have a very good turnout :(, but we had fun anyway! I'm way excited for Marlee to join our family, her and Ty are such a great fit! I can't wait to attend their wedding in two weeks in SUNNY St. George! Yahoo! We have big plans for that weekend and Sand Hollow may or may not be involved! Yay! I'm in need of a major break of just plain old life. Enjoy the pics!

                      Ok ok, so I realize this cake has been around A LOT lately on my blog... The two times I made it before, were really me prepping for this shower since we were doing a vintage theme. I knew it'd be perfect for it! 

The tree you see pictured what an "Advise Tree"... I love the way it turned out. All the guests wrote Marlee a little piece of advise about what she's about to get herself into, hehe!
Don't ya love the wood stumps?? I do! I had Aaron chop these up at my grandpa's house for Brighton's Vintage Cowboy birthday party in Feb. He did a bunch of them, and they looked so cute under all of the food. I'm giving myself a pat on the back right now for having him do them for me because I just love them so much!. :)

 You will see a ton of my wood frames pictured with Ty & Marlee's engagements in them. I love these frames and I use them for every party I help with... Almost... I had my grandpa make lots of them for my wedding to display at the reception, and I still love them 5 years later. :)

 This is Marlee's bouquet. I know it's sideways, I'm over it. She had just gotten back from St. George the night before the shower where she was having her and Ty's bridal and groomals shot. I KNOW they turned out amazing. And her bouquet is awesome, I love the cotton. I'd never seen that before and I'm in-love.
 Mmmmm fruit with marshmallow cream dip! Delish!

 Marlee wearing the AWESOME tiara I made her and 1:00 AM the night before. Haha.
The gals... this is a combo of Grammy's, Mothers, Daughters, Sisters, Aunts, Great Aunts, Cousins, Nieces, and ONE Boy(who is mine)! It took quite a few tries to get this picture, but we did it, sorta. I actually think there was a better one of all of us, but I'd already uploaded this and cropped it and such then I realized and I was too lazy to do all that to the better one so deal with it :).


  1. I love it!!! You did an amazing job!! Wish I was there!

  2. It's beautiful! All of it. Perfect.

  3. hey lovie! you are looking fabulously slender and elegant! uhm, i kind of wish finn was a girl so that you could make him that beautiful cake for his birthday! jk (about him being a girl, girls are scary). i love that cake, and it gets prettier every time you show a picture of it! you're amazing! i wish i could fly you out here to take family photos of us. we are in desperate need!!!!

  4. Wow it turned out so good, way to go!! It was so fun to see you for a split sec the other night. We need to get our kiddos together!!!
