Thursday, February 17, 2011

One Year Old Birthday FUN!

Okay, so can I just start off by saying that this party was so much fun to plan! It was such an easy theme to roll with and you can find inspiration anywhere! I chose to do a little vintage and a little modern and mix 'em together. I like the way everything turned out, but I would've easily spent a lot more cash and would've liked to add some more detail if I had more time. Please do not judge me for the bad photos, little time & horrible harsh flash! So I tried to antique them a little for your viewing pleasure, not sure if it helped that much.

So I love love love the way His invitation turned out. Believe me or not, this took me the most time. I'd never used Photoshop to do something like this before.

This looked so cute in person. I printed a bunch of pictures from Brighton's first year of life(sigh) and hung some of them around the light fixture. Darling.

The food turned out really cute, we had Cowboy Grub, a.k.a. Baked potatoes with all the fixings, Veggie tray, Chicken nuggets, and Rolls. So yum!

This was one of my favorite things about the whole party, I was so excited about this idea. I received some inspiration on a party blog, and took it in a little bit different direction. I think they turned out so cute. Aaron carried this huge log from right down by the lake up to my parents house(they live right on Utah Lake, but it was still quite the distance-GO Sweety!) and then he called up my Grandpa whom has an amazing Wood Shop at his house and they got the log all chopped up for me. Yay. I made Cake Pops, which were delish! And I also made chocolate mustaches. I got the mold on Amazon for cheap.

Not sure who put Aaron's mustache on one of the spickets, but I like it and I like them.

This is just a cute collage of pictures I put together of our Little Man. My Grandpa Brown made all of the wood frames for Aaron and I for our Wedding for display and I love them. I'm always reusing them.

Just some decorations...

Cute fire pit we had set up outside. Did we use it, um no, but it was cute.(and I don't know why it's sideways, I fixed it, but it didn't work or something.)

Just some pictures from the party. I realize that Aaron and I look kinda awkward... oh well, it happens.

Some might say this was a mean thing to do..., but it was so funny, and I think Brighton might laugh about it later, I hope.

One thing I wanted more than ANYTHING was a Homemade Photo Booth. I wanted to get an old vintage frame OR have Aaron construct a cardboard booth type thing and draw on my own vintage frame with a sharpie, believe me, it would've been rad. But... alas I had no time for this. I also wanted to design a menu of what we were serving for dinner in Photoshop. I would then frame it and display, and make little description cards for each item of food, not that it needed describing-it was pretty self-explanatory, but because it would be cute! So I hope to incorporate these ideas in future parties :). All in all I'm very please with the way it all turned out. We had a really good turn out and Brighton had a great time. My Mom was such a huge help, she let us host the party in her home and she was in the kitchen the entire night. She's the best. Thanks Mom! I love you!


  1. This is the cutest thing I have ever seen! Why is it so funny to see kids cry doing funny things? That pic of him with the mustache is tooo funny! I love it all!

  2. OH MY WORD, I am DYING over how cute all of this is!!!!! The invitation alone is just so dang cute and creative, wow!!! All of the decor for the party- are you kidding me?!?! It is all so perfect!!! SO CUTE!!! You are one talented girl!!!

  3. What a fun idea!! Can't believe he's one!! He is so cute!!

  4. SO SO SO cute! I love it! By far one of my favorite things is to plan parties, we should go into business. :) That invitation is ADORABLE really how is the world did you do that? So stinkin cute, once again super impressed.
