Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Brighton is One

So I want to write down some things about my little Brighty-Boo and what he is doing at this time in his life. He has no teeth yet, which I'm told can be a very positive thing so I'm trying not to stress about it, but it sure does limit the food he can eat. Speaking of food, Bright is the BEST eater! Seriously thus kid will eat anything I put in front of him and also anything I do not put in front of him :). He loves to find "treasures", as we call them, on the floor and pop them in his mouth. This freaks me out, so we r always on the look out. Brighton crawls faster than any other baby I've ever seen! It's amazing! He can take three steps now and then he will dive into my arms. He love to cruise around the house on his walker. He loves opening the cabinets and taking everything out. He really likes the tubaware drawer. He loves playing with measuring cups and banging them on the floor. He loves to snuggle. He loves music, and to dance. He loved to climb. He can say momma, dadda, hi, oh, and wow. He is the happiest baby and loves people. He loves to jabber and use his voice. He is growling all of the time and loves it when you growl back at him. He loves to be chased. He has so much energy, just like his Daddy. He loves to clap and kick his legs when he is happy. And he loves the bath. We love him so much! Can't believe it's already been a year!

1 comment:

  1. Its crazy to think that Brighton is one! That means Rush will be in a few months. His party pics are so cute, love the theme and decor. Hope you guys are doing great:)
