Thursday, September 9, 2010

Grandpa Brown's 75th Birthday Party

My Dad's Dad turned 75 on Labor Day, so we had a little party for him. It was great fun, and my Cali cousins made us some delicious Mexican food, it's their specialty. I think that's all they know how to eat, but it's fine by me because I love it too! Brighton had lots of fun with his cousins and meeting new faces. I love my Grandpa so much and I am so lucky to have him in my life! He lives in Alpine in a Pepto-bismal pink house, it's the best! I have such fond memories of having sleepovers at his house with my cousins and sleeping out on the tramp with them. I remember I loved waking up and eating Lucky Charms, and he always had yummy Flintstones push-up popsicles in his big freezer in the garage. I loved going to all of the Alpine Day's festivities with my family, and being in the parade when we were little. He also used to have a huge orchard and we'd walk out to the creek which we pronounce "crick" of course and roast hot dogs, play in the water, and swing on the tree swing. Love you Grandpa! Happy Birthday!


  1. You guys are so dang cute. Little Brighton is getting so grown up! Sad how fast they grow.

  2. okay...can Finn please have Brighton's shirt when he's out of it? if not, where can i get one?
    love you! miss you guys! can't wait til our next reunion.
